
Homemade nail creams – Best treatments

In all women, and not only them, are liked velvet hands and particularly the manicured nails. For many reasons, our nails are easily broken and this happens by daily problems such as the excessive exposure to water, the detergents, the dehydration and the bad nutrition as a result the nails to become weaken. There are a lot of ways to keep your nails healthy and of course without requiring any cost. Below, we will give you some homemade nail creams for their care, with ingredients that lots of them you have in your home.

1. Homemade nail creams in order not to break the nails

A. Do a homemade mask in order not to break your nails. Heat in a saucepan one cup of olive oil and some leaves of olive cut into pieces. The olive leaves have emollient properties. Let the mixture for about half an hour and then add 4 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice. The lemon has antiseptic properties and at the same time strengthens the skin by protecting it against fungal infections. At the end, mix all the ingredients and pass the mixture in your nails and skin that is surrounded.

B. One of homemade nail creams is followed : Heat a quarter cup of olive oil and mix it with equal quantity of cider vinegar and a half cup of beer. Then dip your nails in the mixture and let them for 15 minutes until are soaked. Finally, wash the nails.

C. One particular recipe for broken nails but very effective is to mix a half cup of fresh lemon juice and two white eggs. Put your nails in a bowl for about 15 minutes and then wash them with plenty of water. The white egg has the property to strengthen your nails.

D. Finally, a lot of homemade nail creams are made with salt. The ingredients that you are going to use are : one tablespoon of sea salt, one cup of hot water, a half cup of fresh lemon juice and 5 drops of tea tree essential oil. Mix all the ingredients together and let your hands or your feet in the mixture for about 20 minutes.

2. Homemade nail creams for hangnails and fungal infections

The fungus and the hangnails are not only appeared on foot but also in hands. This is a problem that many people are confronted and turns the nail yellow. There are so many reasons such as the continuous exposure to moisture, the failure care nail and the bad nutrition (lack of iron and vitamins). The good thing is that you can get rid of it with homemade nail creams, if you have patience and persistence.

A. The most appropriate way for beautiful nails without hangnails is the combination of apricot oil and lemon essential oil. The apricot oil has the property to hydrate and manicured the nail because the antioxidant action of vitamin A and E and is full of acids. In a little bottle, put 10ml of apricot oil and add 5 drops of lemon essential oil (become white and give beautiful smell). Finally, at night before you go to sleep, spread the mixture in nails and the skin that is surrounded.

B. One of homemade nail creams is followed:

  • Half cup of gel aloe
  • Half cup of olive oil
  • Half cup of lavender oil and tea tree oil and
  • 5 drops of lemon essential oil

We have to tell you that lavender and tea tree oil have antiseptic and anti fungal properties that help in cure against fungal infections. Put all the ingredients together until become a mixture. At first, do a foot bath to soak your feet or your hands. Then apply the homemade cream before you go to sleep. Because fungus is not an easy problem, you have to be patient and you will see the results after some weeks.

C. Making cream of baking soda is one of the appropriate homemade nail creams against the fungus. For this recipe you are going to use 6 tablespoons of baking soda, a half cup of white vinegar or cider vinegar and little water. Put all the ingredients together until it becomes a mixture. Then do a massage or lightly rub your nails that have fungus and after 15 minutes wash your nails with warm water. Repeat twice a day and about one month you will see amazing results.

3. Tips for manicured nails

At the end, we will give you some useful tips to have manicured nails. a. Try to avoid the many uses of acetone because contain chemical substances and lose the natural sheen of polish. b. Definitely, try to wear gloves for the works at home. c. Put in your nutrition food that is rich in iron and vitamins d. Drink plenty of water for hydration and for strengthen of your nails These homemade nail creams are useful for every kind of problem that you might have around your nails and fungal infections. Do not forget that if any infection of your nails insist, then immediately visit your doctor.