
How to deal with black pores – Ways

Black pores on our face skin can be very annoying, inelegant and affect in a negative way our looks. They usually appear mostly on our nose but they can also be spotted on our forehead or jaw. Black pores look like pimples but they have a characteristic black head in the center. The black pores on our skin appear because of excessive sebum production, which forces our skin pores to swell and release it. The problem is pretty obvious and more intense usually in oily skin type but there are other factors that also cause black pores, such us heredity, use of inadequate products, harsh cleaning products and peelings, residues of makeup, etc.

Whatever the cause is, if you are wondering how to deal with black pores you should know there are ways to manage it. Of course a regular and meticulous care is a very good step but you should also learn that nature is our ally in this case with the beneficial and pure ingredients that offers to us.

How to deal with black pores – Prevention and fighting tips

Face cleaning

Washing and cleaning your face in a regular base and using the appropriate products will help you prevent the appearance of black pores on your skin but also can fight them if they already exist. It is suggested to wash your face twice a day but try to be careful not to use very harsh cleansing products. An ideal choice is to opt for natural products and also prepare homemade face masks once in a while which you will see that are very helpful.

Keep your pillowcase clean

It is not only your face you should keep clean but also all the surfaces that come in touch with your face skin. Your pillowcase, for example, is something that touches your face every day that’s why it needs washing or a change in regular periods. This will keep away the oily residues from your face and will also help remove some dead cells that may have remain on the surface from your skin.

After washing

It is very important, after washing your face to apply on your skin a natural astringent, such us apple cider vinegar. This helps you remove any remains of oil, dirt, makeup, etc, and also firms your skin pores.

Don’t forget about peeling

A very effective and helpful step when dealing with back pores or our face skin, is having a peeling using various scrubs. You could choose a product from the market, or even better prefer a homemade scrub with natural ingredients which you can prepare on your own.

Use the steam method

I am sure you are familiar with the well known and famous solution for blackheads and pores, which is the steam method. This process is very effective and easy to follow. You boil some water in a pot and stand in front of it so that steams coming from the water open your pores and clean them. You can follow this method every 15 days to fight black pores on your face skin.

Don’t let greasiness on your face

Every time you feel or see that your face skin is more oily during the day, you should care to dab your skin with a soft handkerchief to absorb greasiness so that it doesn’t gather in the area and aggravate your skin.

Makeup and de-make up

A very important factor that affects your skin situation and has to do with black pores, is makeup and de-make up. You should try and be careful not to put too much makeup on your face that makes skin heavy (layers of foundation, powder, etc) and also care enough to always remove makeup at the end of the day and do it properly. Otherwise, this can aggravate the situation of your skin pores and make skin more problematic. This means it can cause more black pores. Have a light makeup on your face and always have a good de-makeup so that there are no remains on your skin.

Be sure you don’t make things worse

You should not only do the right things to keep your face skin beautiful and healthy, but also not do the wrong things. Many times a negative factor is our own self. For example, very often we use our fingers or nails to “explore” or remove pimples, blackheads, etc. Especially when our hands are dirty this is a very bad habit. Try not to touch, scratch or squeeze your face and specifically your black pores because it is most likely you make the problem even worse.

How to deal with black pores – 4 Natural recipes

1.Use a lemon

A very simple and natural solution for the problem of black pores, is to use lemon as a treatment. It is very easy and you can use it by itself.
Just cut a lemon in the middle and then take the half and squeeze it while rubbing it on your face skin. Not, that you shouldn’t do this if your skin is dry. Also, you can mix lemon juice with a little bit of salt and apply this on your face as a natural peeling. Both ways are effective in removing greasiness, pollutants, residues etc, and fighting black pores.

2.Use honey

Another pure ingredient and very easy to find is honey, which can also help us in dealing with the black pores on our face skin.
You just heat the honey but try not to use it very hot and then you make the application on your skin by spreading it on the spots you have a problem. Let it stay for about 10 minutes and then rinse with water.

3.Use a tomato

You can easily use another natural treatment to deal with black pores with only one ingredient, the tomato.
Firstly, wash your face with lukewarm water and wipe it gently. Then cut the tomato into slices or small pieces, depending on the area of your face you want to treat. You will apply the pieces/slices by adjusting the shape. You can put them wherever there is a problem with black pores – nose, forehead, jaw, etc. Let it stay for about 15 minutes. Attention: If you are allergic don’t follow this method.

4.Use fresh parsley

This herb has astringent properties and can help our skin get rid of any kind of residues, be clean and open the skin pores. That’s why it is an ideal treatment for this certain problem with black pores.
For its use, you should boil some water, add fresh parsley and let it inside to release its substances. Then remove the parsley from the water and soak a towel. Apply the towel on your face skin and leave it there for about 15 minutes.