
Solutions for cellulite

There are many solutions for cellulite. But let’s begin to explain what is the problem called cellulite. It is a normal fat beneath the skin. The fat appears bumpy because it pushes against connective tissue, causing the skin above it to pucker. Cellulite is more common among women than men. The reasons that influence how much cellulite you have are poor diet, hormone changes, dehydration, fat dieting and lack of physical activity. It has the form of “orange peel” and appears in the area of thighs and buttocks. We give you some solutions for cellulite so to get rid of it.

Solutions for cellulite

1.Drink water

Maybe is so common to say that but without water we can’t get rid of cellulite. The skin hydrated as a result to remove toxins and also acts beneficial to the process of elimination that had already retented the water.

2.Eat fruits

Eat fruits with an empty stomach because are rich with vitamins, antioxidants and give energy and tone. Fruits are excellent energy sources and because of that is necessary to eat them.

3.Physical activity

We don’t mean to do gym many hours daily so as to exhausted your body but you can easily walk for only an hour and see how you benefit in your organisation and of course in cellulite.

4.Solutions for cellulite with homemade soap

Let’s now move on with the external procedures to fight the cellulite. Homemade soap is the ideal solution to get rid of it. Try to buy homemade soaps with orange essential oil or containing coffee (for skin tightening). You can easily find these soaps in organic shops or on the internet. The use is so easy, just scrub the area that you have cellulite and then wash it very well.

5.Oils for cellulite

OilsOils are the solutions for cellulite because are hydrated the skin, increases elasticity, have anti inflammatory and healing actions. The oil that we suggest is apricot oil to combination with orange essential oil because eliminates toxins from the cells and smoothes the skin. Just boil 100ml of apricot oil and add 20-30 drops from orange essential oil. Apply the area you have cellulite, but first wash it with homemade soap. Be careful! The specific mix you can use it only at night because the orange essential oil is sensitive to the sunlights.

6.Homemade scrub for cellulite

The skin everyday renewed cells, created new which the dead cells remain in the skin as a result to make it dull and rough. So, the scrub helps to remove the dead cells and make the skin shiny. Just need to use the scrub only one and two times each week. The ingredients that you need are a. Greek coffee b. Two tablespoons olive oil c. Two tablespoons honey d. Two tabkespoons cinnamon e. Two tablespoons brown sugar. Apply the point you want and scrub the skin for about ten minutes. In the end, wash very well with a lot of water.

7.Solutions for cellulite with biologic creams

The biological cream you can even buy it or you can easily make it by yourself. The ingredients are not expensive and you are safe about what you have made. The ingredients are

  • Bottled water 30ml
  • Apricot oil 10ml
  • Emulsifier 2gr
  • Seaweed extract 1ml (it is necessary because destroy the fat cells)
  • Biological preservative 10 drops
  • Orange essential oil 5 drops

Directions – In the first glass put only bottled water and in the second glass put emulsifier and apricot oil in bain marie. Boil at 65°C and then when it get cold put bioogical preservative, seaweed extract and orange essential oil. The cream is ready to get used to!In conclusion, above solutions for cellulite are effective, miraculous and amazing. Do not forget that all the solutions are needed to fight against this common problem.