
Tired legs – Homemade treatments

Do you feel your legs tired? Well, the time has come with some advises, relaxation ways and homemade treatments, to say goodbye to your tired legs. First of all, we have to tell you that the causes for tired legs are the prolonged standing, the weight (as it falls on foot and the waist) and maybe the heredity. Below we are going to show with little smart tricks how to get rid of tired legs.

Tired legs – Treatments

A. Foot bath

After your work, the most appropriate thing you can do for your tired legs is a foot bath. There are two ways : First, is to put in a bowl hot water and add sea water or mint (or rosemary) essential oil. The relief that you feel will be huge. Just leave your tired legs in bowl for 15 minutes. The second way, is to put your legs in the bathtub and drop alternately cool and warm water. Try to keep each alternation at least ten seconds. The purpose is to improve the blood circulation by putting warm and cool water, so as the blood vessels legs are contracted and dilated. Both two ways are quickly and effective.

B. Avoid tight shoes

You have to pay attention the choice of your shoes. Unfortunately, high heels and bad choice of shoes are causes of tired legs. Depending on your job, choose to wear comfortable shoes and try to avoid tight and bad quality shoes.

C. Do pedicure

One effective way for tired legs is the pedicure. If you do pedicure at least once a month, then it is perfect. Ask for professional aesthetics to pay attention the heels and ask to put a foot cream.

D. Relief ways

There are two ways to succeed a good blood circulation for tired legs. The first is to lie down in bed, without pillow in your head, and then raise your legs at the right angle and count 30 seconds. Your tired legs have the right blood circulation that helps to transfer in your brain and other basic arteries. The second way is to seat with your legs lying on the ground and make moves up and down with your fingers. This simple move is going to decrease the internal turning of your legs and the muscle stretch. Both of two ways are going to relief your tired legs.

E. Special exercises for tired legs

There are special exercises that you can do to get rid of your tired legs. For example, the cycling and the swimming are effective exercises for tired legs and for legs with vein problems. Also, one exercise which you can do it in your home is to place a ball (prefer a small one) down to your legs and move them back and forth. Is the most simple way to calm the legs for pain. Do this exercise for about half an hour.

F. Homemade foot cream for tired legs

At the end, we will give you a homemade recipe with a few ingredients that you can put it after a foot bath. The most suitable combination is the rosewater (which causes the contraction of blood vessels) and mint essential oil (suitable ingredient for overwork). You can use both ingredients together and do a massage in the area you pain (the quantity is 30ml of rosewater and 4 drops of mint essential oil). The second way is to boil 10ml of any oil you want and 2gr of emulsifier. Then, put the oil mixture and add 30ml of rosewater. Mix these together and at the end, put 5 drops of mint essential oil. Your foot cream is ready to use it.

Above ways are the most simple and more effective because are help for the relief and the relaxation for tired legs. Do not forget that our organization is needed calm and relaxation to work properly.