
Damaged hair – Restoration treatments

Every woman wants to have beautiful, shiny and healthy hair. Unfortunately, there are many factors that can discomfort our hair and lead to destruction. So, damaged hair is the fear of most women especially those who don’t protect them enough or correctly. Various heating methods and techniques, coloring processes, styling tools and products, lack of treatment and protection, etc, especially when we don’t take advice from the experts, are factors that can make our hair prone to destruction and damage.

Continue reading the article to find out the most common causes that lead us to have damaged hair as well as the solutions and treatment that can get our hair back to normal.

Causes of damaged hair

Usually, when we refer to damaged hair there is not only one particular reason or one cause that lead to this condition. Our hair can be destroyed either gradually because of mistakes we do for a long time and discomfort our hair or it can happen when our hair cannot bear something we do. So, we may have damaged hair because for a long time we didn’t take care of them and didn’t protect them, because we applied methods and techniques our hair couldn’t stand, because we use too much heat very often, because a mistake happened after having hair decoupage and changing color, because of other chemical procedures like perm, because of overexposure to unsafe methods and products generally. Usually when we try to lighten our hair color with much lighter shades and generally intervene to the physical structure of our hair the damage is almost sure. Then, our hair starts to have problems like frizz, split ends, it breaks, etc. Our hair look dull, unhealthy, don’t get longer , etc. These are the signs that must worry us.

Solution and treatments for damaged hair

The most obvious solution if you want to avoid having damaged hair, is to take good care of it, protect it and provide treatment. What does this mean? It means to apply special products on your hair for the ideal protection from any heating methods, techniques like perm or straightening, etc. Otherwise it is almost sure that sometime you’ll destroy your hair. Try to love your hair the way it is and show it off with the ideal products, hairstyles and hair accessories. Also, don’t forget to apply nutritious masks and hair treatments whether you have a problem or not. Prevention is the best treatment even for hair.

When hair is damaged, it has lost its elasticity, its shine and the healthy look it used to have. The result is that hair breaks, frizzes, fall and our hairstyles cannot last. You need patience for achieving restoration of damaged hair based of course on the rate of the destruction, as it needs time and effort. You should do treatments for damaged hair for a long time. But, the results will reward you.

So, let’s present 3 basic hair treatments that restore damaged hair.

3 Hair treatments for damaged hair

1.Apply Coconut oil

Coconut oil is known for many beneficial properties and as far as hair is concerned, it has spectacular results in resetting the quality of our hair. You can find coconut oil in stores with organic products or pharmacies. Just apply on your hair a good amount of the oil, do a gentle massage and allow its ingredients to get free and help your hair to restore its normal condition. After the application wrap your hair in a cotton towel and let the coconut oil stay for as long as possible. Ideally follow the procedure before going to bed and wash your hair in the morning. Repeat the mask twice a week for the best results.

2.Apply aloe gel

Aloe is known as the queen of regeneration especially when talking about our skin. But it can also provide great help -in fact makes miracles- when it comes to damaged hair. Apply the aloe vera gel on your hair and let it stay for about an hour. Repeat this aloe mask twice a week and see your hair transform in a good way.

3.Apply olive oil and avocado

Both olive oil and avocado are rich in vitamin E, moisturizing agents, regenerative and anti-aging effects. So, this can be the ideal combination to reconstruct damaged hair. Just take a ripe avocado and put it in a blender with a tablespoon of olive oil. Or you can use a fork. Mash them and mix them and then take this pulp and apply it on your hair. Let the homemade mask stay for half an hour and then rinse your hair using plenty of cold water. Depending on the frequency of this procedure, your hair will get back to its normal condition sooner or later.

Finally, don’t forget after every treatment you apply on your hair and before each wash, to rinse your hair with a mixture of water and apple cider vinegar ( the proportion is 2 parts of water and 1 part of apple cider vinegar). You use this mixture to rinse your hair because the apple cider vinegar has the property to tone up and clear in depth your hair, so that makes it ideal for you who have damaged hair.