
The most attractive types of women –Top 5

A revealing outfit on a woman as well as a good shaped, tight and juicy body certainly attract the attention of any male around her. But this does not mean that a man’s interest and attraction towards a woman is related only to these characteristics that have to do with our appearance. The allurement a woman gives off and how men receive it can be very different from the standards we have in mind. There are some types and styles of women that can become very charming for the male gender. If you continue reading the article you will find which are the most attractive types of women according to men as we present some typical examples.

The 5 most attractive types of women

1.The kind, sweet and polite women

It may sounds strange because you believe “bad” girls are those that attract mostly the male (maybe because women also like a lot the “bad” guys), but very attractive types of women according to men, are those who treat them (and the others) nicely, who are well-intentioned, who support and consider their guy’s needs and try to give them the attention they desire. Of course, this type of woman is the one guys opt for when they want a serious relationship, not a short adventure.

2.Women who are natural, original and don’t try too hard

Makeup and hairstyling, as well as a nice outfit are all nice. It is a good thing to take care of our appearance. But eventually what gets all the credit is a woman’s natural beauty. The most attractive types of women, are those who don’t try too hard, who don’t have an excessive appearance and of course don’t look or act fake. According to a certain research, most men are charmed by women with very little makeup and a more natural appearance.

3.Women who laugh and use sarcasm for themselves

No one wants you to be the clown of your company or treat guys as you were pals. But having humor, not being afraid to laugh, to self sarcasm and don’t be as a porcelain doll, is a characteristic that charms men very much. That’s why groovy women who laugh easily are the most attractive types of women for the male gender.

4.The women with red

Red is the color of fire and passion and it also characterizes strong and bold people if they choose it (fact reassured from the science of psychology). So, women who dress in red or choose one simple thing for their appearance in this color –for example a red lipstick-, they are considered to be very alluring and they belong to the most attractive types of women. This means that red color has a great influence on the opposite gender.

5.Mediterranean type women

Women who belong in the so called Mediterranean type (we are not referring only to their temperament, but mostly to their body shape and proportions), are also in the category of the most attractive types of women and it is noticed they sexually attract men. This happens mostly because subconsciously men have in mind the indication of female fertility and also their healthy condition. The women we refer to are those with a small waist and wide hips like in the Renaissance paintings and the Ancient Greek statues. This body type reveals eroticism, fertility and health.