
5+1 Ways to discharge stress

Nowadays, the word “stress” has become, somehow, fashionable. We could say that newspapers, magazines, books, television, internet, business are flooded by this word. Many cases of stress, have been daily treated by various medical specialties, and have become the “coverage” for various problematic situations. The causes may be internal and external factors, that can easily be avoided. In the pace of life, daily requirements, are for all of us, like a “scapegoat”. Pressures at work for achieving targets or deadlines, unemployment, limited income, family obligations, disputes in the friendly, family or professional environment, an unexpected illness, death, divorce, the fear of separation and many other examples. Each one of us, express stress in a different way. Some short-term effects are: stomach tied up in knots, tremors, nausea, chills, cold or sweaty hands, tachycardia, biting nails. Short-term effects may include: hypertension, panic attacks, abnormal fatigue, menstrual irregularities, weight fluctuations.

The usual psychological effects of stress are: irritability, isolation and introversion, loneliness or fear of rejection, feeling of helplessness, lack of self confidence, loss of concentration, loss of sense of priorities. The purpose of this article is to help you to find ways to discharge stress and escape from the despair that may lead you.

5+1 Ways to discharge stress

1.Get to know yourself

One way you discharge stress, is to get to know yourself. You may be wondered how these two are interrelated. Think of the following : stress is perceived, precisely because it is the engine that generates more life. With a dull and unmotivated life without vitality, there would be no stress. In this way, then, you can discover how much “life” you can “tolerate” ; you can test your limits, your goals, your fears. When you are stressed, it does not mean that you have a problem. Quite simply, there is something in your life that needs to be changed. This may be associated with professional, family and friendly environment, for example. The person that may discover the source of your stress, is only you! And … do not forget that the first step to deal with any of your problems is to admit that it exists!

2.Think positively

By adopting a positive attitude of life, you can transform your daily routine into a”game”. Like Pollyanna, the heroine of Eleanor Porter, you can see the positive side of things, even in the most difficult situations. Delete from your vocabulary words like “I cannot not manage,” “it is difficult,” and tell “I will manage”, “I will succeed.” Reward yourself with anything that may bring you joy, each time you achieve any of your goals. When you feel depressed, just think that you are capable to do whatever you desire. Even if you are in a really difficult situation, keep in mind that anything that troubles you , the same day next year, it will be forgotten!

3.Sleep well

Stress can lead to sleep loss, disturbed sleep or insomnia and contribute to more stress. Which means a vicious circle. Good quality of sleep, is a meaningful way to discharge stress. You may wonder “how”! Before you sleep, follow a specific “ritual”. It is well known that honey has calming effects. Drink a cup of warm milk with a spoon of honey, relax with a warm bath, turn off your pc and your mobile. Choose a relaxing movie or read a book you enjoy. Relax and clear your mind of negative thoughts. Bring in your mind only pleasant images of your life and visualize your desires.

4. Physical Activity

One of the best ways to discharge stress, is by physical activity. Exercise leads to secretion of endorphins that “boost” the mood. Muscle strengthening combined with aerobics, pilates, dance at a frequency of three or four times per week, may relax you and help you get rid of any stressful feeling.

5. Listen to music

By hearing a beautiful melody, you can relax, you can mentally “travel”, you can help yourself to calm. One of the best ways to discharge stress, is to choose, for example, relaxing classical music. Through “music therapy” you will boost your mood, stimulate the functions of your brain, you will feel immediately all the beneficial results. According to medical studies, classical music, and more specifically melodies of Mozart, Vivaldi or Bach, can have the strongest relaxing effects!

6.Good nutrition

Although it may sound strange to you, good nutrition is one of the key ways to discharge stress! Food containing vitamin B, such as green leafy vegetables, soothe the body and therefore, it is very important to be consumed. Nuts contain vitamins B, strengthen the body and reduce stress. Consumption of turkey helps to the production of serotonin – a hormone that brings well-being- as it contains an amino- acid – the L- tryptophan. Berries, are rich in vitamin C, which helps the body manage stress. It is advisable to avoid excessive caffeine, as it stimulates the activity of the nervous system . Moreover, avoid excess salt, sweets or junk food. The sugars and bad preservatives lead to low energy.

Stress is a condition that each person in the world experiences , other people less, other more. Nobody can avoid it. By implementing ways to discharge stress, learn to “live” with it and enjoy your life. Use any stressful situation constructively. You can manage stress!