Weight Loss

Diet for burning calories – 7 Tips

Usually, the reason we gain pounds is the fact that we put in our body more calories than we need and mostly useless calories as far as the quality of the foods we consume is concerned.

To achieve in getting rid of the extra pounds and control our body weight, it is needed to create balance between the energy we recruit and the one we spend, which means the calories we get from our food and those we burn in a daily basis.

When we reduce the extra calories we take, then we’ ll start observing a decrease in our weight too. Moreover, it is important to know that usually when we start a diet for burning calories and reduce the ones we get from our food, immediately we start losing weight at first. But, things get difficult when we get close to our normal and desirable weight and it is even more difficult to get rid of the last 3-4 kilos that are left.

Next in this article, follow some advice for the ideal diet for burning calories that will help in increasing our metabolism and creating more burning so you will be able to finally get rid of the extra pounds.

Ideal diet for burning calories – 7 Tips

1.Drink plenty of water

In an ideal diet for burning calories the first thing we must point is water consume. Besides the fact that it is important for every action in our organism and for good health generally, it is also the best way and the most “painless” to activate the rhythm of our metabolism. Drinking an amount of 8-10 glasses daily, enhances our burning and helps the toxins get out of our body (by sweating and urination). Generally, consuming liquids and beverages is very positive if we choose beverages with no bad calories. Except from water which comes first in the list, it is suggested to drink anything hydrating and full of antioxidants. Green tea, specifically, is rich in catechins and helps in adjusting our weight and moving away the toxins. The catechins increase our burning and enhance metabolism. Note that 500ml of water can increase our metabolism by 30%.

2.Include dairy in your diet

In the present diet for burning calories it is suggested to include dairy products in a big amount. This because they help in reducing the gathering of adipocytes and they increase speed in fat burning. With high intake of calcium through our diet its accumulation in our blood is great too and this has a result to reduce the secretion of calcitonin, a hormone that is responsible for the storage of fats. So, it is suggested to consume 2-3 portions of dairy products (milk, yogurt, etc.) daily.

3.Try to reduce salt

Salt is better to be reduced from our daily diet both because it is responsible for the fluid retention in our body and because except from the feeling of thirst it increases also our hunger. Moreover, according to researches if we consume too much salt this leads into increasing and developing the adipocytes and also this can be related to the creation of resisting in insulin, in some cases where there sensitivity in salt.

4.Be sure you reduce sugar

In a diet for burning calories it is suggested a great reduction of sugar and its replacement with other sweeteners, like stevia or aspartame. In this way, you can keep the sweetness of taste and also avoid the high calorie intake. To be more specific about aspartame, we should mention that it is one of the most well known sweeteners that offer the most sweet taste and practically does not fill us with calories. It is a very thought and safe substance for our diet almost for each one of us.

5.Replace the sweet snacks you consume

When you are hungry or have the desire for something sweet and delicious, you can satisfy this feeling without getting full with too much and useless calories. As long as you replace the temptations and delicacies with something more nutritious and healthy. For example, yogurt with honey or nuts, fruit salad, light fruit jelly, fitness bar, wholegrain cereals, etc.

6.Drink green tea

You should have already heard many times about green tea that is included in diets and foods that enhance metabolism and losing weight. It is suggested to consume a glass of green tea before lunch and one after because of its content in antioxidant substances the catechins, famous flavonoids for their role in controlling body weight and increasing calorie burning.

7.Make some small changes in your diet

In the diet for burning calories and losing body weight, to get the right results, there are some small changes that are suggested to be adopted. Pasta, cereals, bread, toast, etc, you consume be sure they are wholegrain. The dairy products you include in your diet prefer to be of low fat but not 0%. From meat, fish and chicken it is suggested to remove the crust before eating them. Don’t use animal butter in cooking but choose margarine. Of course number one is olive oil mostly when you add it raw in your food or salad. But don’t overdo it even with olive oil. Reduce alcohol, prefer beer or wine and with measure. Finally, be sure you put in your diet plenty of fruit and vegetables.