Weight Loss

Which is the ideal weight for women?

Most women have been on a diet at least once in their lives in order to burn excess fat and get a beautiful body. But which is really the ideal weight for women? How can you calculate this? Is the ideal weight calculated differently for women than for men? Let us answer the questions one by one so as to solve all the above inquiries.

What is the ideal weight?

The ideal weight or normal weight is the weight it ensures good body’s health, let the heart work without any problems, does not strain your bones and generally does not bring any problem to any internal organ of your body. Also it reduces the risk of many diseases, strengthens the immune system and provides us with a better quality of life. Here, we need to clarify that the view that as weaker you are as closer to the ideal weight you are, is wrong. Many women overestimate their weight and follow exhaustive diets in order to become very slim, a condition that is quite far from the ideal weight, most of the times. On the other hand, there are many women who have much excess fat which increases their body weight and brings many health problems, a condition that is also quite far from the ideal weight.

What determines the ideal weight?

The ideal weight depends on many factors. The most important are the following:

Gender: obviously the ideal weight for men is different from the ideal weight for women

Height: key role in the calculation of the ideal weight plays your height

Age: obviously a young girl has not the same weight as a woman

The percentage of fat: an athlete may weigh more than an ordinary woman, although her body fat percentage is less, because of her toned muscles and her increased muscle tissue

The weight of the skeleton: a woman with severe bone weighs more than a woman with light bone

Health history or weight history of the woman

How to calculate the ideal weight for women?

If she is an adult, she does not present serious health problems that affect its weight, and she is not an athlete with greatly increased muscle mass, then the ideal weight can be calculated by using the body mass index. In the table below you can fill in your data (your weight and your height) and automatically it is calculated your body mass index BMI.